My Plastic Surgery Group

Thigh Lift

About Thigh Lift Surgery

Thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure done to enhance the shape of your thighs by reducing the amount of excess skin and fat from the thigh area.
Incision areas will vary depending on which area of the thigh you are treating, and how much correction is needed to obtain the desired results. During your personal consultation with your Indianapolis and Carmel thigh lift plastic surgeon, these options will be discussed at length so you’ll be confident and comfortable with the decision you make before going into surgery.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Healthy patients with excess skin and fat in their thighs are good candidates for a thigh lift. Candidates must have no plans to gain or lose significant body weight. They must be at or around their ideal weight. Excellent candidates have realistic expectations.

Lateral Thigh Lift (saddlebag area)

We used to believe that the “saddlebags” seen in the lower hip area of women were abnormal accumulations of fat. We now know that those fatty projections represent tissues which have fallen from their original position in the lateral buttocks. In fact, one can pull up on the hips hard enough that the saddlebag will return to its original position.
This is the reason liposuction of saddlebags may be fairly disappointing for those individuals with aged or inelastic skin. Liposuction alone depends on very youthful, elastic skin to “snap back” to its new position after fat removal. For the rest of us who may no longer have youthful skin, a lateral thigh lift may be of great benefit. An incision from the top of the vertical buttocks crease toward the side of the hip can lift the buttocks and lateral thighs. This can be done along with liposuction if there are fatty areas. If the problem is mostly extra or loose skin, especially noted after weight loss, the thigh lift, can tighten the skin and restore a youthful contour.
Sometimes a lateral thigh lift is done at the same time as a tummy tuck. This combination is called a body lift. It is commonly done in those individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Before & After


Real Results

View before-and-after pictures of real patients of My Plastic Surgery Group.

Medial Thigh Lift (groin crease)

This operation is used to address the laxity of the upper/inner thigh. Many women point to that area and complain of rubbing, or fullness that makes clothing uncomfortable. Again, in a youthful person, liposuction alone may suffice to reduce the volume of the upper/inner thigh. For middle-aged patients and those who have lost weight, a medial thigh lift may be a better option.
This is an operation which removes a crescent of skin and fat from the upper/inner thigh and leaves the scar in the groin fold between the leg and the genitalia. Its main advantage is a very concealable scar. Its main disadvantage is that it is limited in amount and extent. Trying to remove more than three or four inches of excess skin will place too much tension on the closure, and over time can result in the scar and even some pubis hair-bearing skin descending down, out of the groin fold and onto the thigh. For this reason, a careful preoperative evaluation by the surgeon and good communication of possibilities versus expectations are important.

Inseam Thighplasty

This is a more dramatic, and extensive inner thigh operation than the groin crease medial thigh lift. This procedure is not really a lift, but a tightening along an incision from the depths of the groin near the genitalia, all the way down to the fatty tissues on the inner aspect of the knee. Tightening occurs all the way down the thigh. It is just as effective two-thirds of the way down the thigh as it is in the upper thigh. While the groin crease thigh lift helps just the upper one-third, this operation affects the entire thigh. The incision is a long one and considering that both legs are done at the same time, the average patient will have nearly three feet of incision to heal. This is the main drawback of the inseam operation; healing time is longer. However, the benefit is much more dramatic. It is of special benefit to those people who have lost a great deal of weight. The downtime, or healing time, is comparable to that of a tummy tuck. Both operations share one thing, a dramatic result that cannot be achieved by lesser operations.

The Thigh Lift Recovery Process

After the thigh lift procedure, the thighs will be bandaged. Small tubes may be inserted to drain post-procedure fluids. Prescriptions will be given along with aftercare instructions to help with the healing process. Patients may need to be driven home afterwards.
Bruising and swelling will be experienced but will fade. The patient will have at least a week of recovery before they can consider doing regular leg movement. The patient can return to doing regular activities involving the thighs after four to six months.

How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

The cost of the thigh lift procedure may be affected by anesthesia fees and the techniques utilized. The total time required to perform the procedure can also impact price. We provide special offers and financing options to our patients.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you are interested in a thigh lift in Carmel, schedule an appointment for a consultation. We will address all your concerns and help determine if thigh lift is ideal for you. Contact us today!

Meet Dr. Aker

Dr. Aker, an Indianapolis plastic surgeon affiliated with several area hospitals, has lectured and is published widely on a variety of plastic surgery topics. Dr. Aker brought several new techniques in cosmetic surgery to Indianapolis and Carmel including the endoscopic breast augmentation (“endo aug”) and Asian eyelid surgery.

Meet Dr. Beckman

After receiving her medical degree with honors, Dr. Beckman was selected for a highly competitive integrated plastic surgery residency position at Rutgers University, where she rigorously trained in both aesthetic and complex reconstructive plastic surgery for six years. During residency, she developed a strong passion for plastic surgery education and research. She earned several teaching and clinical excellence awards and served as Chief Resident in her final year.

After residency, Dr. Beckman was selected for an aesthetic plastic surgery fellowship position at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery, one of the nation’s premier aesthetic plastic surgery practices. This additional year gives her the unique opportunity to learn from some of the most recognized names in aesthetic plastic surgery and to train with the most innovative procedures and products available.

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