My Plastic Surgery Group

Neck Lift

About Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift in Carmel is a plastic surgery procedure that is done to remove extra skin and fat from the neck while tightening sagging skin and muscles. This procedure provides patients with a more toned and youthful profile.

Reasons for Getting a Neck Lift

This type of neck plastic surgery takes care of the following issues:

This procedure is often paired with a facelift to create more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Before Your Neck Lift Procedure

Before you decide to have neck lift surgery, you will have to schedule a consultation with your plastic surgeon. Disclosing your full medical history will help your plastic surgeon ensure that the surgery is right for you. This will include discussing your general health, the condition of your skin, your tendency to scar, and any allergies or past procedures.

You will need to clearly communicate your aesthetic needs and goals for the procedure. You may also be able to look over neck lift before and after photos from past patients. This is done so that you can get an idea of your potential results.
You will have to stop smoking six weeks before the procedure, since smoking negatively affects the health of the skin tissues and can lead to complications. You will also need to abstain from taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen and aspirin, since this can increase your chances of bleeding.

The Neck Lift Procedure

Neck lift surgery takes a few hours to complete. It is usually performed under a general anesthetic. Once this takes effect, the surgeon makes minute incisions behind the ears and/or beneath the chin.

The sagging platysma muscles are cinched and sewn tightly with internal sutures. The surgeon very meticulously trims the extra skin away with a scalpel (a process called excision) and tightens the remaining skin. Additionally, liposuction is performed to remove excess fat.

Finally, incisions are closed using sutures. A pressure bandage will be applied around the head and surrounding the area of the chin. Drains will be placed, too, as there may be excess bleeding and fluid.

Neck Lift Recovery

Each patient’s recovery process depends on the exact type of neck lift performed. While some cases require liposuction, skin excision, and muscle tightening, many only require one or two of these techniques. This affects the required recovery time.
Swelling and bruising may be evident for up to a few weeks and will subside as healing progresses. Keeping your head and neck elevated helps to address these issues, as do cold compresses.
Time off from work will be required, and patients must avoid physically taxing activities like heavy exercise routines and sports. Once all healing is complete, patients can enjoy their full results.

Neck Lift Cost

When considering the overall cost of a neck lift surgery, many factors are taken into account. The time needed to perform the procedure, the amount of tissue removed, and the techniques employed all impact the final price.

Set Up a Consultation

Contact My Plastic Surgery Group to learn more about the neck lift in Carmel and what it can do for you. Schedule your informative consultation today.

Meet Dr. Aker

Dr. Aker, an Indianapolis plastic surgeon affiliated with several area hospitals, has lectured and is published widely on a variety of plastic surgery topics. Dr. Aker brought several new techniques in cosmetic surgery to Indianapolis and Carmel including the endoscopic breast augmentation (“endo aug”) and Asian eyelid surgery.

Meet Dr. Beckman

After receiving her medical degree with honors, Dr. Beckman was selected for a highly competitive integrated plastic surgery residency position at Rutgers University, where she rigorously trained in both aesthetic and complex reconstructive plastic surgery for six years. During residency, she developed a strong passion for plastic surgery education and research. She earned several teaching and clinical excellence awards and served as Chief Resident in her final year.

After residency, Dr. Beckman was selected for an aesthetic plastic surgery fellowship position at H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery, one of the nation’s premier aesthetic plastic surgery practices. This additional year gives her the unique opportunity to learn from some of the most recognized names in aesthetic plastic surgery and to train with the most innovative procedures and products available.

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